Currently when an alternate title is linked to a provenance, exhibition, or publication event, it renders if it is different in any way from the primary title.
We would like to abridge that rule so that the alternate title does not render if the only difference is the case of the letter.
Please see "Ia orana Maria" (Art ID 71604). it has the following publication entries:
Bengt Danielsson, "Gauguin's Tahitian Titles," Burlington Magazine 109, no. 769 (April 1967), no. 20, p. 231 (as "IA ORANA MARIA")
Margaretta M. Salinger, "Windows Open to Nature," Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin 27, no. 1 (Summer 1968) (ill. as "Ia Orana Maria")
The only difference from the primary title is that one of the alternate titles is in all caps, the other has the second word capitalized.
This happens 74 times on this entry. Although this may be useful information for researchers to have internally, this is not useful for the reader. It gives the impression that the artwork has gone by many names, when in fact, it is always the same name with one letter capitalized in the American style. This is confusing and it makes our cataloguing look unsophisticated.
This feature impacts the publication of Gauguin Breton (and the republishing Gauguin Tahiti) in June 2024.