Problem: During the research and editing phase there are many small tasks spread scross all artwork records. I have to commnicate with colleagues outside of the platform and keep track of multiple to do lists, but I am not able track this accurately using other tools. From the data presented on the artwork records I cannot see which tasks I had planned or if they are done. The only way to document that information still needs to be verified or has been verified already are notes, but I have no system for this workaround.
To finalize an artwork record mutliple actions are required that may span across multiple months. Examples for task that need to be completed and assigned would be: verifying information with museums or auction houses, look up publications in libraries or request access and review external archives.
  • As a researcher I want to assign tasks related specific data points so that I can work on them later.
  • As an editor I want to review open tasks related to an artwork so that I can asses the state of the data and finalize and artwork for publishing