Exhibition Reports Improvements: display alternative titles and dates
Dana Anderson
- Is it possible to mark whether or not a work is part of the artwork set you selected to generate the report? For example, if I enter 773 (Monet Pastels), on the exhibition report, can there be some indication of artworks that are included in the set, or some way to distinguish them from other artworks that are attached to the same exhibitions?
- Can we have alternative titles or dates? This is important because these reports are used for fact checking.
- Can we have customized reports?
This post was marked as
in progress
We are working on improvements to the exhibition history report to include display alternative titles, dates and the possibly marker.
Dear Dana,
Thank you for your submission!
Let me reply to each point below
- I am afraid, that won't be possible as the art set is only used in the selection process, not the report generation itself. Please regard this submission as closed.
- Alternative titles or dates: this is in progress, I am rephrasing this post title to match this request.
- Find the new post for custom exhibition reports here: https://navigatingart.canny.io/feature-requests/p/customized-exhibition-reports